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  1. Application step by step

Apply for a Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence!

Congratulations, this is the first step to starting the process of getting your product or service Nordic Swan Ecolabelled – an ecolabel recognized by almost everyone in Sweden.

You can Nordic Swan Ecolabel several hundred different types of goods and services. Start by checking whether there are environmental requirements for your product or service. You do this by finding the right criteria document below.

About every four years, we tighten the requirements for using the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. We do this for your customers so they can be confident that only the very best goods and services are Nordic Swan Ecolabelled.

How to apply for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in five simple steps:

  1. Each product group has its own page where you can find instructions on how to apply and whether there is a specific application guide that you can use. Find your product group and take note of the information.  
  2. Please start by contacting us. We like to help. On the criteria page you will find contact information for the advisors working with your area of products and services.
  3. Review the requirements for your product or service. The criteria document shows how each requirement must be documented for us to be able to verify that your product or service meets the Nordic Ecolabelling requirements. It is wise to contact your subcontractors at an early stage and request the prescriptions, safety data sheets or certificates required so that we can start working on your application as quickly as possible.
  4. Submit your application documents together with the accompanying documentation according to the instructions on the application page for your product group to ansokan@svanen.se. All documents will now be reviewed by your advisor at Ecolabelling Sweden. When everything seems to be in order, your advisor will make a visit to your company.
  5. Once you have received a licence certificate and a confirmation email from us, your application for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence is approved! You can now market your product or service with the Nordic Region's official eco-label - the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

Criteria & application

Read more about your product group, fees and adviser contact

Get started!
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The Nordic Swan Ecolabel has the opportunity to label several hundred different types of goods and services.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence

Your Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence is normally valid in all Nordic countries and is issued for the goods and services shown on your licence certificate. The licence may comprise several products if these belong to the same product group and if they have similar environmental properties. The licence may also include products from more than one production site if certain conditions are met.

Charges for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Ecolabelling Sweden is a state-owned company that is run without profit. But ecolabelling requires resources to be able to review applications, develop new tough environmental requirements and continue to contribute to an increasing number of consumers and purchasers choosing products with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Therefore, we charge an application fee when we have received an application and later a licence fee for the right to use the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

How long does it take to obtain a licence?

Be sure to be well in advance with a complete application to us, preferably at least 6 months before you wish to have your licence certificate from us, especially if it concerns brand new products or businesses. If you never had a Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence before, you may need a long-term planning. We recommend that you contact an advisor with us for joint planning of the process.