What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the variation among living organisms on Earth and how they interact in nature.
Biodiversity is crucial for the ecosystem – areas where plants, animals, insects and water work together – to provide us with important services such as pollination, climate regulation, clean water and air. Which in turn is important for nature to continue to create what we need, such as: food, medicines, building materials, fibers for clothing, outdoor life and tourism.
Climate change, diseases and pollution caused by humans can destroy and restrict the habitats of species or cause the spread of invasive species, posing a threat to biodiversity.

How does the Nordic Swan Ecolabel work with biodiversity?
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets tough requirements with a focus on promoting biodiversity through a resource-efficient life cycle perspective, from raw material to recycling. These include:
- Renewable raw materials, such as wood, must be sustainably grown with respect for biodiversity.
- Raw materials must be traceable and documented from the extraction site to the final product.
- Tropical tree species are not allowed to protect the rainforest from continued deforestation.
- Reduce the use of virgin materials (newly mined materials) in favor of resource efficiency and reuse.
- Restrict or prohibit the use of raw materials that have not been sustainably sourced or produced.
- Measures to promote biodiversity, for example in the construction of Nordic Swan Ecolabelled houses.
- Limit the use of harmful chemicals in products and services.