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  1. Application step by step

Application step by step

This is the first step to start the process of getting your product or service Nordic Swan Ecolabelled – an ecolabel recognized by almost everyone in Sweden.

Find the right criteria document.

About every four years, we tighten the requirements for using the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. We do this for your customers so they can be confident that only the very best goods and services are Nordic Swan Ecolabelled.

For some products, you will need to ask your suppliers to declare ingoing items, for example chemicals, laminates, glass and fabrics, that you use in the product you apply for. You will be informed about this in the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal. Please, refer your suppliers to the "For suppliers" tab on the criteria page.

Create your application

Please create your application in the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal. Select the most relevant option below and follow the steps there to access the portal:

Fees for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Ecolabelling Sweden is a state-owned company that is run without profit. But ecolabelling requires resources to be able to review applications, develop new tough environmental requirements and continue to contribute to an increasing number of consumers and purchasers choosing products with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Therefore, we charge an application fee when we have received an application and later a licence fee for the right to use the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

How to register sales in several countries

You must always report which countries you market your product and the estimated annual revenue per country in the Nordic region - as well as the total revenue from countries outside the Nordic region.

You must always inform us of changes regarding the countries in which your product or service is marketed.

In the case of services, you can apply for registration of sales to other countries by making an application for a "Change". You do this by logging in to the portal and creating a new case. Select "Change", select your licence, select "Add product" and then tick the countries you want to add and how much you expect to sell in a calendar year.

Do you have questions?

Get in touch with us for a non-binding discussion about the requirements for your product, fees and the application process. That usually ends up saving all of us some time in end. You can find the contact information here.