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Ski wax 106

A Nordic Swan Ecolabelled ski wax is one of the most environmentally-friendly ski waxes available. There are strict requirements concerning the constituent substances, including a ban on organofluorine compounds, the objective of which is to protect human health and the environment.

Nordic Swan Ecolabelled ski wax has been tested for performance and its effectiveness has been proven to be at least as good as equivalent fluorine-containing products.

A Nordic Swan Ecolabelled ski wax:

  • Is fluorine-free
  • Provides good glide performance
  • Is dirt-repellent
  • Has good wear resistance
  • Has been proved to be as good as equivalent fluorine-containing waxes.
  • Welcome to apply for a Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence!

    This is how you do:

    1. Read the application guide.
    2. Log in to the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal.
    3. Start your application.


    If this is the first time you are applying, the authorized signatory must fill in your company information and approve the application conditions. In this way, you get login to the portal and the right to assign access to other colleagues.


    Request login

    To the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal

    Some special cases can not be done in the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal. Contact your advisor for such cases. More information can be found on "Application step by step".

  • Valid from 1 January 2024 Amount excluding VAT

    Application fee

    Application for a new licence 3 251 EUR. Inspection of four recipes is included in the application fee. For inspection of additional recipes, 812 EUR per recipe will be charged.
    Application for a renewed licence when the requirements have been tightened 1 625 EUR. Inspection of four recipes is included in the fee. For inspection of additional recipes, 406 EUR per recipe will be charged.

    Annual licence fee

    The licence fee for the Nordic Swan Ecolabelled products is based on their turnover in the Nordic countries The fee is 0.3% of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries up to 50 million EUR.
    The fee is 0.05% of the products' turnover in the Nordic countries for the amount exceeding 50 million EUR.
    Minimum fee in the Nordic countries 2 167 EUR per year.
    Fixed fee that is added for sales outside the Nordic countries 2 167 EUR per year if the turnover exceeds 300 000 EUR.

    Fee for extension / change of licence

    Should the extension regard inspection of recipes, which are not already included in the licence, 812 EUR will be charged per recipe. Other types of alterations will be charged a fixed fee according to how long the work takes.

    Up to 4 hours 406 EUR
    4–8 hours 812 EUR
    8 or more hours 1 625 EUR

    Fee for on-site inspections

    One on-site inspection in the Nordic countries is included when applying for a new or renewed licence.

    Additional on-site inspection within the Nordic countries 541 EUR per visit.
    On-site inspection outside the Nordic region, but within Europe 1 625 EUR per visit.
    On-site inspection outside Europe 2 709 EUR per visit.
    Additional fee for on-site inspections lasting longer than one day 1 083 EUR per day.

    Ecolabelling Sweden AB has no financial profit purpose and is financed through the fees above along with an annual government grant. The company is however liable for VAT according to article 56 of the European Council Directive 2006/112/EC.

    Invoicing is made in SEK with the exchange rate from the first banking day of the year.

    When both the applicant and the manufacturer are micro-enterprises, the application fee is reduced by 50%. A micro-enterprise is in this context defined as an enterprise with less than 10 employees and an annual turnover (of both ecolabelled and not ecolabelled products) below 2 million EUR.


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    Ansökan om ny licens 3 114 EUR. I ansökningsavgiften ingår granskningen av fyra recept. För granskning av ytterligare recept debiteras 750 EUR per recept.
    Ansökan om förnyelse av licens när kraven skärpts 1 557 EUR. I avgiften ingår granskning av fyra recept. För granskning av ytterligare recept debiteras 389 EUR per recept.

    Årlig licensavgift

    Licensavgiften för de Svanenmärkta produkterna är baserad på deras omsättning i Norden Avgiften är 0,3 % av produkternas omsättning i Norden upp till 50 miljoner EUR.
    Avgiften är 0,05 % av produkternas omsättning i Norden för den del som överstiger 50 miljoner EUR.
    Minimiavgift i Norden 2 076 EUR per år.
    Fast avgift som tillkommer vid omsättning utanför Norden 2 076 EUR per år vid en omsättning över 300 000 EUR.

    Avgift för utvidgning/ändring av licens

    Om utvidgningen avser granskning av nytt recept som sedan tidigare inte ingår i licensen debiteras 778 EUR per recept. För övriga ärenden debiteras en fast avgift efter hur lång tid arbetet tar.

    Upp till 4 timmar 389 EUR
    4–8 timmar 778 EUR
    8 eller fler timmar 1 557 EUR

    Avgift för kontrollbesök

    Ett kontrollbesök inom Norden ingår vid ansökan om ny eller förnyad licens.

    Tilläggsavgift för extra kontrollbesök inom Norden 519 EUR per besök.
    Kontrollbesök utanför Norden men inom Europa 1 557 EUR per besök.
    Kontrollbesök utanför Europa 2 595 EUR per besök.
    Tilläggsavgift för besök som tar längre än en dag 1 038 EUR per dag.

    Miljömärkning Sverige AB har inget ekonomiskt vinstsyfte och finansieras genom avgifterna ovan samt ett årligt statligt bidrag. Bolaget är dock momspliktigt enligt artikel 56 i EU-rådets direktiv 2006/112/EG.

    Fakturering sker i SEK med växelkursen från årets första bankdag.

    När både företaget som ansöker och produktionsstället är mikroföretag, reduceras ansökningsavgiften med 50 %. Ett mikroföretag definieras här som ett företag med färre än 10 anställda där omsättningen (av både miljömärkta och icke-miljömärkta produkter) understiger 2 miljoner EUR.

    • For new applications granted after 1 July, a fee reduction will apply for the first year. The minimum or maximum fee and any breakpoint will be multiplied by the result of the following formula: “number of remaining days in the year” x 2 / 365.
      Breakpoint = Turnover where the percentage changes in the calculation of licence fee.
      Minimum fee = the lowest licence fee Nordic ecolabelling annually invoices a company or a Group per product/ commodity group/ certifying country.

      Should a former holder of a license/registration continue to make use of the Nordic Ecolabel without being granted a new license/registration, the Nordic Ecolabelling organization reserves the right to claim financial compensation. The size of such compensation shall be equivalent to the turnover-based license fee that a licensee would have been required to pay for a license, and a financial penalty, the severity of which is determined by the extent and duration of the infringement as well as the damages that Nordic Ecolabelling may have incurred as a result of such misuse. Such a financial penalty should not normally be less than EUR 4,000 (four thousand). The Nordic Ecolabelling organizations may also take legal action against the infringement of the Nordic Ecolabel or if rules in the prevailing version of the Logo Guideline for the Nordic Ecolabel are not fulfilled.

  • Information on the latest version of the criteria for ski wax

    1.1 => 1.2: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria

    Nordic Ecolabelling has decided to prolong the validity of the criteria by 24 months. The new version is called 1.2 and is valid until 31 December 2026.

    1.0 => 1.1: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria

    Nordic Ecolabelling decided on 23 February 2021 to prolong the validity of the criteria by 18 months. Version 1.1 of the criteria are valid until 30 December 2024.

    1.0: Adopted criteria

    Nordic Ecolabelling decided on the 15 June 2018 to adopt criteria for ski wax. Version 1.0 is valid until 30 June 2023.

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