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  1. Energy-efficient ICA Kvantum Sannegården opened

A few weeks ago ICA Kvantum Sannegården opened its doors for business in Gothenburg. It has the ambition to be the most energy-efficient supermarket in Sweden.  Compared to other supermarkets of the same size it uses approximately 35 per cent less energy through smart solutions and modern technology.

“We’ve had the environment in the back of our minds throughout this whole project so it’s truly a nice feeling when the first analysis indicate that we’re going to make the 35 per cent goal”, comments Kvantum Sannegården Environment officer, Jonathan Christensson.

Kvantum Sannegården is a pilot project and will act a model for all future ICA stores. One of the most important goals for the ICA chain is to reduce emissions by 30 per cent by the year 2020, compared to the 2006 levels. When it comes to chasing energy villains no compromises have been made. The supermarket has for example been equipped with lids for all freezers and refrigerators, and the illumination consists of only LED light bulbs that enter a saving mode in those areas where no customers are at the moment. Moreover, solar panels have been installed on the roof and thanks to geothermal heating the store is self-sufficient regarding heating and air conditioning..

“These are far from the cheapest solutions but being a pilot we haven’t had the need to save money in this project”, says Jonathan Christensson.

How are you going to maintain energy efficiency even in the future?
“I don’t think that it will be a problem. The awareness of  environmental issues has increased and this supermarket, being a pilot project, means that all eyes are focused on us.  However, we are convinced that being energy-efficient and running a supermarket in a sustainable manner is the future and we are proud to be the first to do so”, says Jonathan Christensson.

For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Christensson, Environment officer, Kvantum Sannegården:
Telephone: +46 (0)735 – 005 075
E-mail: jonathan.christensson@kvantum.ica.se

Cecilia Wilhelmsson, Nordic Ecolabel Press contact:
Telephone: +46 (0)8 - 55 55 24 22
E-mail: cecilia.wilhelmsson@ecolabel.se

Ingvor Svensson, Nordic Ecolabel administrator of grocery stores:
Telephone: +46 (0)733 – 456 581
E-mail: ingvor.svensson@ecolabel.se