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  1. Swedish pharmacy chain puts Nordic Ecolabel on child care products

Environmentally-aware parents now have a larger variety of products for their children to choose between. The Swedish pharmacy chain, Apoteket, now has four products that  recently fulfilled the Nordic Ecolabel’s requirements.

Swedish pharmacy chain puts Nordic Ecolabel on child care products“It is wonderful that these specific products now carry the Nordic Ecolabel”, comments Nette Ingloff, Product manager at Apoteket.

“Apoteket has a strong green profile and the Ecolabelling gives these products a greater value. The labeling is also proof that our work is on the right track”, says Nette Ingloff.

It is no coincidence that it is the line of child-care products that now carries the Nordic Ecolabel. Swedish parents have become more environmentally-conscious and products bought for their newborns must be of the highest quality..

“Parents are extremely conscious when buying baby care products. Our products are completely perfume-free and also free from pigments. The fact that they now also carry the Nordic Ecolabel is important to parents”, says Nette Ingloff.

Nordic Ecolabelled child care products are amongst the least environmentally damaging products within their category and fulfill stringent environmental standards as well as health requirements. The products must for example fulfill requirements regarding bio-degradability, document the existence of classified substances, the usage of perfume and pigments, as well as being effective. The health requirements mainly focus on allergies and other possible serious side effects.

“It is gratifying that it now becomes easier for parents to make eco-conscious choices when a brand-leading company like Apoteket has now decided to label their products with the Nordic Ecolabel”, comments Ulf Eriksson, Nordic Ecolabel Product Manager for Cosmetics.

For more information, please contact:

Nette Ingloff, Apoteket Product Manager:
Telephone: +46 (0)702 - 437 831
E-mail: nette.ingloff@apoteket.se

Brita Forsström, Nordic Ecolabel Press contact:
Telephone: +46 (0)8 - 55 55 24 25
E-mail: brita.forsstrom@ecolabel.se

Ulf Eriksson, Cosmetics Product Manager, Nordic Ecolabel:
Telephone: +46 (0)8 - 55 55 24 44
E-mail: ulf.eriksson@ecolabel.se