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  1. Behind every climatesmart woman stands a less active man

Behind every climatesmart woman stands a less active man

Getting more men to change their behavior is a challenge for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel's. It is still the women who are at the forefront of changing their lifestyle and reducing their climate impact, according to new figures from the Nordic Ecolabelling survey among consumers in the Nordic countries (IPSOS 2019). This is being presented as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is celebrating its 30th birthday on November 6 th.

Among women 70 per cent believe that we are heading towards an environmental disaster if we do not change our habits quickly. Females also stand out on doing more to reduce their own environmental impact, seen over the past two years. 40 % have reduced their meat consumption versus 24% for men. Using more environmentally friendly means of transport, buying ecolabelled products and buying second hand instead of new- women are in top in taking action in various fields. Except one area, chosing financial services with reduced environmental impact, e.g mutual fund retirement savings.

– It is us white middle-aged men who are the challenge. But today's situation makes it easier to reach us . We see in our survey that many Northerners experience in their daily life the effects of climate change . And more and more people, not least thanks to Greta, know that we must change to a more sustainable lifestyle now, before it is too late. Sustainable lifestyle means both thinking about what we consume and how we cosume ity, says Mr Ragnar Unge, CEO at Ecolabelling Sweden. .

Ragnar Ungehas long experience of environmental development as he has worked with the Nordic Swan ecolabel almost from the start in 1989. At that year, the Nordic Council of Ministers took the initiative to the Nordic Swan Ecolabel to guide consumers when there were many rogue green labels that mislead.

More choosing the Swan

The survey also shows that the Nordic consumers trust the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. A majority, 77%, say it is important that an ecolabel is independent from bransch intererst, just like the the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is. 76% find the Nordic Swan Ecolabel make it easier to make good environmental choices and of this share of population 21% always / often look for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel when they are to choose among products. Ten years ago, only 6% reported that they always/ often looked for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

Extreme weather affects differently

The overall results are very similar in all countries, but there are Nordic differences. For example, 1 of 2 of Icelanders have experienced more rain, whereas the total is 17% for the Nordics. 19 % of Danish people have experienced more floods, almost twice as much as the Nordic total (11%). More often and more powerful forest or heather fires is what more Swedes are experiencing compared to the average for the Nordic, 26% vs 17%.

Sources: A Nordic consumer survey conducted by IPSOS on behalf of Nordic Ecolabelling (2019). TNS Gallup's Climate Barometer 2013 og 2015