Independent environmental labels rank high
During the past decade, online shopping has grown strongly, which has contributed to an increase in transports and climate emissions. Now, for the first time, it is possible to apply for a Nordic Swan Ecolabel for e-commerce logistics. Something that has been desired by both the transport industry and by consumers.

A new study shows that it is important for consumers to be able to choose a more sustainable delivery option. But consumers are confused by different green claims and messages in the check-out. Therefore, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, as the Nordic’s official ecolabel, is a welcome guide for consumers.
Being able to choose more sustainable delivery options is important to many consumers – this is stated by 4 out of 10 Swedish consumers. Just as many think it is important that the online store has detailed information about environmental labels and sustainability work on its website. But there is a significant difference in trust in sustainability labels issued by independent organizations compared to unverified sustainability-related symbols or claims, such as e.g climate efficient, without connection to existing labeling schemes. 64% of Swedish consumers trust the former in comparison to only 43% for the latter.
– With the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in the checkout, the complexity of choosing delivery is simplified. Consumers are hereby able to contribute to the necessary green transition of the transport sector. It is urgent to achieve both national and global climate and environmental goals, says Sara Bergman, project manager at Nordic Ecolabelling.
Nordic Ecolabelling has developed the Nordic Swan Ecolabel for a completely new area: e-commerce logistics. The criteria have been established after referral by the independent Nordic Ecolabelling Board, and transport and logistics companies can now apply for their network of e-commerce transportation to become Nordic Swan Ecolabelled. If the company meets the requirements, their delivery choices become Nordic Swan Ecolabelled. The aim is to guide consumers to a more sustainable choice of e-commerce delivery in the check-out.
The criteria take a comprehensive approach to climate and energy efficiency. But social issues such as working conditions are also important areas and rank highly among consumers. Especially since deficiencies in working conditions have been noticed in the transport industry. Requirements on labor standards and working conditions have been drawn up in dialogue with the transport workers' unions. Some requirements are nationally adapted due to the fact that conditions differ in the Nordic countries.
Eco-labelling in the checkout is an effective way to help consumers make more sustainable choices of delivery, states the Swedish government agency Transport Analysis in its report. But it is problematic with the companies' own environmental claims, and the Transport Analysis highlights the Nordic Swan Ecolabel for e-deliveries as a good initiative.
The commitment from both transport companies, logistics operators and the e-commerce industry has been great. Within the framework of the Swedish Energy Agency's forum for labeling of goods transport and e-commerce transport, various actors have been able to meet, which has been very valuable when development the Nordic Swan Ecolabel criteria.
– Many transport companies today are dedicated to reducing their climate impact. They have long been asking for a credible way to communicate their work. With the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, they get a robust label that 95% of Nordic consumers recognize. It will be exciting to see which e-retailers will take the lead in offering Nordic Swan Ecolabel deliveries and which transport company that will be first to meet the requirements, says Sara Bergman, project manager at Nordic Ecolabelling.
Nordic Swan Ecolabel e-commerce logistics:
- Reduce energy consumption and climate impact in the logistics network.
- Stimulate fossil-free home deliveries.
- Ensure a good basic level of the vehicle fleet, which is gradually increased through investments in electrical, hydrogen and biogas vehicles.
- Imply gradually increased use of renewable energy in the logistics network. At the same time, the renewable fuels must not contain palm oil or its by-product PFAD
- Promote employment contracts in line with collective agreements or similar.
- Provide financial incentives for reduced air in e-commerce packaging.
Who can get the Nordic Swan Ecolabel?
Nordic transport and logistics companies can apply to become licence holders. After an approved licensing process, they can offer Nordic Swan Ecolabel e-commerce transportation to e-commerce businesses. At checkout, consumers can choose a Nordic Swan Ecolabel delivery option.
Trade research institute, HUI, conducted a study with 2,000 Nordic consumers and reference groups with both consumers and e-commerce companies on behalf of Nordic Ecolabelling (2022).
Governmental agency Transport Analysis study 2022 (
For any questions please contact
- Sara Bergman Criteria & Sustainability Manager +46 (0)8 55 55 24 56