Annual reports from ecolabelled funds: Transparency a cornerstone
It's the season for reporting for Nordic Swan Ecolabel Funds and time to disclose what they have performed during the last year. Reading the annual reports is an opportunity for savers to review the fund’s sustainability performance.
Perhaps you haven’t thought about it, but when you put money into investment funds you indirectly become an owner of quite a few companies. As investment funds basically consist of pooled assets from multiple investors, the power and potential of the investor collective is huge.
We are convinced that if many consumers and investors choose Nordic Swan Ecolabel funds, we as a group, will be able to contribute to a more sustainable world and to the green transition of society.
Nordic Ecolabelling wishes to go further than the traditional ethical funds and steer towards investment funds that are transparent and act as active owners with the aim to influence companies. Therefore, the funds may include companies that might not be considered the most sustainable ones today but play an important part in the transition to a more sustainable future.
"We believe that investors are ready to select fund that influence companies in a more sustainable direction. We exclude companies and industries that are furthest away from being sustainable. That said, we wish to include companies that are in a process of transitioning to more sustainable production patterns", Per Sandell comments further.
Transparency is a cornerstone in the requirements of an ecolabelled investment funds All funds shall therefore publish a report that covers:
- Excluded companies that have persisting unacceptable (ESG) risks.
- The fund's definition of strong sustainability practices.
- ESG risks and opportunities for the 10 largest holdings.
- Summary of the engagement with the 10 largest holdings, if any.
- Transition progress for the 5 largest emitters of GHG in critical sectors.
- Risks and opportunities concerning biodiversity for the 5 holdings with the poorest rating in critical sectors.
- Extent of voting
- Link to SFDR information.
Check out the Annual reports
The content varies based on investment process, application points, and holdings, with some consolidating all funds while others opt for separate reports.
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The Nordic Swan Ecolabel doesn't guarantee returns or indicate risk levels.
Nordic Swan Ecolabel Funds
Learn moreFor more information, contact:
- Per Sandell Operational support and Unit Manager Financial services and Logistics +46 (0)8 55 55 24 35