Nordic Swan Ecolabel buildings - generation 4

Here you will find everything about Nordic Swan Ecolabel residential, educational and office buildings.
We have tailored the information for those who want to live or work in, or already live or work in a Nordic Swan Ecoabel building, for those who build Nordic Swan Ecoabel buildings and for those who supply materials for Nordic Swan Ecoabel new buildings.
Both applications and declarations will take place in a digital portal:
- Nordic Ecolabelling Portal (NEP) for applicants
- Supply Chain Declaration Portal (SCDP) for suppliers
- Start by reading the criteria - look up the "Criteria" tab.
- Then choose the "How to apply" tab and ask for login credentials for the NEP.
- Start by reading the criteria - look up the "Criteria" tab.
- Then choose the "For suppliers" tab and ask for login credentials for the SCDP.
Criteria for 089 New buildings
Here you will find all the information you need to apply and declare
To the criteria