Why the Nordic Swan Ecolabel?
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a world-leading ecolabel with a high level of awareness and credibility. Here you can read more about the benefits you can achieve by having your products or services Nordic Swan Ecolabelled.
Four strong advantages of a Nordic Swan Ecolabel
1. Supports your green transition and product development
Few companies have the resources to be environmental experts themselves. Therefore, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is an effective tool for developing products that are among the best from an environmental point of view. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel guides you and points out the areas where it is most important for your products to reduce their environmental impact. You can use the requirements in the design phase, in the selection of raw materials and in the production process itself. At the same time, you get help to set requirements for your suppliers, so that you have control over the value chain.
Implementing a Nordic Swan Ecolabel means that you get support and help to structure your environmental work. Life-cycle-based and tough requirements give you the opportunity to become an environmental leader in your field. And because the Nordic Swan Ecolabel's requirements are usually ahead of the legislation, you reduce the risk of negative publicity and sudden imposition.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel also guides you to manufacture more circular products and reduce climate impact. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel takes into account all relevant environmental parameters throughout the product's life cycle.

2. Strengthens your competitiveness
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is one of the world's toughest ecolabels and is proof that your products are among the best when it comes to the environment. This strengthens your market position, as both consumers and professional buyers increasingly demand products that are made with the environment and climate in mind.
Large parts of the world see the Nordic Region as a pioneering region for a more sustainable lifestyle and a green transition. Therefore, certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel – can help strengthen your position and open up new markets all over the world.
3. Strengthens your marketing and communication
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the most well-known ecolabel in the Nordic region. Therefore, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel also strengthens your position in the market – both in relation to competitors, consumers, professional buyers and employees.
You can also save both time and money on marketing efforts, as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel makes your sustainability communication more effective and credible. This is especially true in the context of new EU legislation.
Red more about The Green Claims Directive
4 Strengthens your profile as an attractive employer
With the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you can increase your employees' satisfaction. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel contributes to a better working environment and employees are often proud to work for a company that has documentation of its environmental work. This also makes you an attractive workplace when recruiting new employees.