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Hållbart virke


icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Frøslev Embla ThermoWood (pine)

Svanen / Frøslev Embla ThermoWood / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Heatwood Thermowood-D Gran

Svanen / Heatwood / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kärävä Thermowood-D mänty/pine

Svanen / Karava / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Thermory spruce

Svanen / Thermory / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kärävä Thermowood-D kuusi/spruce

Svanen / Karava / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Lunawood Thermowood-D Spruce

Svanen / Lunawood / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Bitus Brandskydd Thermo Furu

Svanen / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Clear Radiata 22x142 mm terrassebord glatt

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Accoya® Radiata Pine, grade A2

Svanen / Accoya / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Pine Thermo-D

Svanen / SWM / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Clear Radiata 38x140 mm bryggedekk R 3,175

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Accoya® Radiata Pine, grade A1

Svanen / Accoya / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Clear (SYP)

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Thermory pine

Svanen / Thermory / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Accoya® Radiata Pine, grade B

Svanen / Accoya / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Heatwood Thermowood-D Furu

Svanen / Heatwood / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Clear (Radiata)

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Clear (Lönn)

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Spruce Thermo-D

Svanen / SWM / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Frøslev Embla ThermoWood (spruce)

Svanen / Frøslev Embla ThermoWood / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Clear Radiata 38x68 mm rekke

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Lunawood Thermowood-D Pine

Svanen / Lunawood / Hållbart virke
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Kebony Character (Furu)

Svanen / Kebony / Hållbart virke
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