3.2 ⇛ 3.3: Adjustment of requirement
On 15 October 2024 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust requirement O7 by changing test methods that can be used for measurement of emission of N2O and clarifying that the unit is N2O g/kg of polyamide 6 or 6.6 fibre produced. The new version is called 3.3.
3.1 ⇛ 3.2: Adjustment of requirement
On 5 December 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust requirement O1 by exempting specific small parts, requirement O5 so that test must not be done each year and mops are exempted, adding PU foam as a material and requirements for PU foam (O27-O29) and adding option B for testing in Appendix 5. On 19 December 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust requirement O45 (O42 in version 3.1) by allowing other documentation than according to Appendix 5 when claiming higher durability than 100/300 washes.
3.0 ⇛ 3.1: Adjustment of requirement
On 5 December 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust requirement O1 by exempting specific small parts, requirement O5 so that test must not be done each year and mops are exempted, adding PU foam as a material and requirements for PU foam (O27-O29) and adding option B for testing in Appendix 5. On 19 December 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust requirement O45 (O42 in version 3.1) by allowing other documentation than according to Appendix 5 when claiming higher durability than 100/300 washes.
3.0 ⇛ 3.1: Adjustment of requirement
On 27 June 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust requirement O49, which was divided into three requirements (O49-O51) and appendix 8-11 were added. By this adjustment more explanation and help are added for the applicants regarding fulfilment of the requirements for Human Rights Due Diligence in the Supply Chain. On 12 September 2023 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to adjust appendix 5 so that recommended washing temperature can also be used under certain conditions. The criteria are valid until December 1, 2027.
3.0: New criteria generation
Version 3.0 of the criteria has been published. The criteria are valid until December 1, 2027.
2.6 ⇛ 2.7: Prolongation of the criteria's validity:
The criteria's validity has been prolonged with 4 months. The new version, 2.7, is valid until 30 June 2024
2.5 ⇛ 2.6: Prolongation of the criteria's validity:
The criteria's validity has been prolonged with 11 months. The new version, 2.6, is valid until 29 February 2024
2.4 ⇛ 2.5: Prolongation of the criteria's validity and adjustment of requirement:
The criteria's validity has been prolonged with 12 months.
At the same time requirement R15 has been adjusted regarding TiO2 and TMP. The new version, 2.5, is valid until March 31st 2023.
2.3 ⇛ 2.4: Prolongation of the criteria's validity:
The criteria's validity has been prolonged with 24 months.
At the same time requirement R50 has been removed.
The new version, 2.4, is valid until March 31st 2022.
2.2 ⇛ 2.3: Prolongation of the criteria's validity
The criteria's validity has been prolonged with 24 months. The new version, 2.3, is valid until March 31st 2020.
2.1 ⇛ 2.2: Prolongation of the criteria's validity
The criteria have been prolonged with 24 months. Some editiorial changes were made concerning national legislation and change of English product group name. Also, the requirement R51, regarding marketing was removed. The new version, 2.2, is valid until March 31st 2018.
2.0 ⇛ 2.1: Prolongation of the criteria's validity
The criteria for Nordic Ecolabelled supplies for microfibre based cleaning have been prolonged. The new version, 2.1, is valid until March 31st 2016.